Trillium Shop
We supply all your uniform needs, down to the last button!
In addition to buying uniforms, The Trillium Shop is also the place to conveniently purchase gifts including Study branded accessories such as pencils, water bottles, coffee mugs, pins, golf umbrellas, bracelets and spirit wear (sweatsuit, PJ pants, caps, etc.). All profits directly benefit Study girls.
Regular hours
Monday: closed
Tuesday – Friday: 8 – 9 am
Contact the Trillium Shop
Shop now! We are very excited to offer a convenient online shopping experience for all of your Study merchandise needs and uniform needs. You may view the Trillium e-Shop here – happy shopping!
The Trillium Shop is located next to the lunchroom on the lower level of the Senior School building, and is staffed by parent volunteers.
Have you checked your daughter's uniform to make sure everything still fits? Are you missing anything?
Two different ways to complete your order at the shop:
- Shop Online: You may purchase your uniform items online here and receive an email notification when your order is ready for pick up at reception.
- Drop in at the Shop: Check the schedule on the right to see our hours.
Refunds & Exchanges – Beginning the Week of Sept 5
Due to the volume of transactions taking place at this time of year and taking into consideration the fact that the Shop is coordinated by our wonderful parent volunteers, we will not be in a position to honour any immediate requests for refunds or exchanges until the week of September 5. Thank you for your understanding.
Looking for Parent Volunteers!
Interested in a little retail management and love working with people? We are currently looking for parent volunteers to help us run our Shop. For more information and if you are interested, please contact us at
Uniform Guidelines
The Winter uniform must be worn from November 1, 2023 to April 30, 2024. Summer uniform will start on May 1, 2024.
The full dress uniform may be worn year round, and must be worn to every school assembly.