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Custom Class: map-container-2

Kindergarten Sunroom
Kindergarten To Grade 3 Pavilion
Elementary School Library
Regulation Sized Gym
Braeside Playground
Ruth Pease De Villafranca Music Room
Enrichment Center
Grade 4 To 6 Pavilion
Elementary School Science Lab
Chemistry Lab
Mary Liistro Hébert Performance Hall
Biology Lab
Woodworking/Drill Press Room - Design and Innovation Center & Exploratorium / Workshop
Senior School Pavilion
Innovation Lab
Art Room
Main Library
Boulevard Playground
Main Entrance

Map Points 2

Kindergarten Sunroom

A treasured play space for kindergarten students. Three sides of the room are windows allowing for a pleasant atmosphere where students can observe nature and enjoy the sunlight.

Kindergarten To Grade 3 Pavilion

This pavilion is the location of the kindergarten to grade three classrooms. 

Elementary School Library

A nurturing environment where young students begin to discover a love of reading. 

Regulation Sized Gym

The school’s gym is host to both athletic events and large gatherings. The gym is used for physical education classes and many co-curricular sports as well as weekly full-school assemblies.

Braeside Playground

A safe and secure place where younger students from kindergarten to grade 2 can relax, socialize, and play with one another at morning and afternoon recess.

Ruth Pease De Villafranca Music Room

Complete with three beautiful works of stained glass, the Ruth Pease de Villafranca Music Room is used by both the elementary and senior school students for Choir and Band classes. Girls in the Concert Band or Senior Choir use this wonderful space for their practices.

Enrichment Center

A peaceful space where students seek assistance in developing learning strategies to attain their fullest potential. Students and parents can always reach out to the team of Enrichment Specialists for help and support. 

Grade 4 To 6 Pavilion

The grade 4 to 6 classrooms are located in this pavilion as is the office of the elementary school director.

Elementary School Science Lab
Love of science starts here. An exploratory space for all elementary school students and the office of our dedicated Elementary School Science teacher.
Chemistry Lab

The Dorothy Osborne Xanthaky ’26 Science Laboratory is used primarily for senior school Chemistry courses. The fully equipped lab is used for both instructional class periods and in-class lab assignments.


A cutting edge learning center that encourages students to explore technology in new and innovative ways. Equipped with 3D printers, laser cutters, a CNC mill, and much more, the Makerspace nurtures creativity in all Study girls and allows students to theorize and test their ideas both in class and out.

Mary Liistro Hebert Performance Hall

The Mary Liistro Hebert performance hall, named after the sixth Head of School, is a multipurpose room home to the drama and dance classes, senior school assemblies, and public speaking competitions. Equipped with 200 theatre style seats and a dynamic light and audio system, the Hall is used for all of the school’s drama productions.

Biology Lab

Donated in memory of Janet Milligan Heaton 1907-1991, this Lab is used for Biology and general science courses including Physics. The workbenches are used for both instructional class time and for in-class lab assignments. 


A design and innovation center, the workshop is a place of ingenuity used by many grades in testing, building, and realizing projects. 

Senior School Pavilion

The Soutar Science and Performing Arts Pavilion, named in honour of one of the school’s Builder’s Award Recipients, is home to all the senior school classrooms. It includes the History Room which was donated by the Bibeau Family.

Innovation Lab

Donated by The Study Parents’ Association, it is home to the IT department and senior school students who choose ITM as one of their option courses. Girls use the room for coding, soldering, and working on their own projects. 

Art Room

With its fabulous view of Montreal and the St Lawrence river, the Art Room is a place of inspiration and imagination. Girls of all ages explore their own creativity through different methods of artistic expression such as acrylic or watercolour paints, charcoal, pencils, and much more. 

Eve Marshall Library

The Eve Marshall library, named after the fifth Head of School, is a space students use to research work, pursue group projects, and relax during their downtime. Students at the school have access to a wide range of library resources such as the full Encyclopedia Britannica online and more. 

Boulevard Playground

Used by grade 3 and up, it is an outdoor space where students relax and unwind at morning and afternoon recess. Students can be found having fun plays games or sitting with each other socializing amongst themselves.

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