CTA Sticky Buttons

Visual Arts

Elementary School


We have been doing some author studies in Kindergarten. The girls love Eric Carle's books. We were inspired to write and illustrate in his collage style. We have read many books by Barbara Reid and have learned to use plasticine to make illustrations, just like she does! 

Et en français, nous avons étudié les moyens de transport à travers l'art!

Grade 1

Nos talentueuses artistes de la 1re année en pleine création.

Grade 2

Les animaux en argile ont été faits par les talentueuses artistes de la 2e année!

Grade 3

In Grade 3, using the theme of the butterfly, students explore concepts of symmetry, colour relationships, and the manipulation of materials. The project culminates when students play together with the 3D butterflies and the environment they have created. 

Grade 4

In Grade 4, play-based learning continues. Students create superhero dolls of themselves. They develop their characters, design costumes, accessories, sidekicks, and develop comic book narratives. Following art projects have a tea party theme, with students constructing 3D cardboard pieces of cake, Model Magic teacups and teapots, and ending the year with a tea party.

Grade 5

Grade 5 students design, sew felt characters, develop a script, storyboards, backgrounds for stop motion videos. This year-long project culminates in a film festival and an Oscar award presentation.

Grade 6

Grade 6 students develop art projects around the theme of dreams. They design and sew felt pillows while learning about textile art and design elements. This theme continues as students about Surrealism and 1-point perspective while drawing their dream bedrooms.

Senior School

Grade 7

Grade 7 students were excited to learn to paint using acrylic on canvas. By copying master paintings like Monet, Georgia O'Keefe, Matisse, David Hockney, and Darlene Cole they built their confidence, learned basic principles of composition and recognized how shapes connect to form an image.

Grade 9 

Grade 9 students chose visual art as their option. They continue to develop their competencies in painting while exploring other mediums.

No post to display.

Grade 10

Grade 10 art option students developed their painting skills at a high level. They created dynamic compositions with an understanding of colour and form. Students learned about the history and technique of a master artist while they connected it to their image meaningfully. As a self-reflective tool, students created videos documenting their painting process.

No post to display.

Grade 11

Grade 11 students produced wonderful paintings this year. They display confidence and artistic vision. Their progression of learning acrylic paint techniques towards expressing personal content is visible in their masterful paintings.