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Planned Giving

The 1915 Society

Planned giving highlights the importance of preserving our legacy of excellence for generations of Study girls to come. A bequest has the potential to perpetuate something of great value and meaning, and may be the ultimate gift you can make, both in size and finality.

We invite you to join the 1915 Planned Giving Society, to help uphold The Study’s vision for the future of our girls, to establish a meaningful legacy for yourself and your loved ones, and to deepen your connection to The Study

A bequest has the potential to perpetuate something of great value and meaning, and may be the ultimate gift you can make, both in size and finality.

Ways to support The Study now and in years to come


Paying it forward

Top row (L to R): Melissa Phillips, Mary-Anne Kavanagh, Bottom Row (L to R): Willa Farrell, Jennifer Pepall.

Melissa Phillips ’78 has planned a Legacy Gift — a bequest — to The Study that she hopes will generate a legacy of empathy for the next generation of women whom she hopes will continue the important work that she is doing now. For Melissa Phillips ’78, focusing on the bottom two rungs of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs has been her life’s guiding giving principle, both in volunteer time and financial support. Through active strategic and direct involvement in elderly care, food banks, homeless shelters, and healthcare for the needy, Melissa supplements her monetary support with daily immersion.

SO WHY IS THE STUDY ONE OF HER LEGACY CHOICES? “To me, it’s the incredible dedication The Study has to female empowerment. Through relevant and sound education, and with deep engagement in real-world experiences, Study girls become equipped to take on the challenges of the world’s biggest problems. The world needs healing and, I believe by supporting The Study into the future, we are emboldening our women of the next generation to use empathy, knowledge and the capacity to change our global society in drastic and much-needed ways. By supporting The Study with a legacy gift, I’m certain to be passing on this Courage for The Future”