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Tribute Giving

Gifts of $50 or more offer an opportunity to honour a family member, friend or colleague or to remember a loved one in the annual Report on Giving. At The Study, we make it easy for you to do this.To make a Gift in Memory:

The Study is honoured to receive memorial gifts. Through a memorial gift, you have the opportunity to offer a lasting tribute in memory of a loved one while making a difference in the opportunities we can offer to students at The Study. 



To make a Gift in Honour:

The Study is privileged to receive gifts in honour of family, fellow alumnae, students, staff, faculty, and friends. Mark a special occasion with a tribute gift, while making a difference in the opportunities we can offer to students at The Study.



Gift Recognition & Stewardship

  • All individuals remembered or honoured, in addition to the donor, will be listed in The Study’s annual Report on Giving unless donor anonymity is specified.
  • Gifts in Memory: The family will be notified of your Tribute gift should you wish.
  • Gifts in Honour: The individual honoured will be notified of your Tribute gift should you wish.

gifts in memory & in honour

Trillium Tribute Wall

Pay tribute to someone special with a permanent Trillium emblem on The Study's Trillium Tribute Wall in the central stairwell. 

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gifts in Memory of eileen balfour (1943 - 2019):

  • Jane S. Edwards
  • Ladies Montreal Tennis & Badminton Club
  • Helene McCormack
  • Patricia McCormack
  • Cynthia A. McCall '78